Physicochemical And Organoleptic Qualities Of Yoghurt With Additions Stevia Leaf Juice (Stevia Rebaudiana)
Yoghurt is a probiotic drink produced by fermentation of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), namely Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Efforts to improve yoghurt products require innovation by adding stevia leaf juice during the yoghurt making process. The purpose of adding stevia leaf juice is to provide a natural sweet taste to the yoghurt. This study aims to analyze the differences in the addition of stevia leaf juice to the physicochemical and organoleptic quality of yoghurt. Research analysis was carried out at the Food Analysis Laboratory, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Jember State Polytechnic. The research design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications, so there were 20 experimental units. The treatments that have been applied are as follows: P0: Cow's milk yogurt without the addition of stevia leaf juice (control). P1: Cow's milk yogurt with the addition of 1% stevia leaf juice. P2: Cow's milk yogurt with the addition of 2% stevia leaf juice. P3: Cow's milk yogurt with the addition of 3% stevia leaf juice. Variables observed included protein content, viscosity, pH and organoleptics. The results of this research show that the addition of stevia leaf juice shows a significant difference in the protein content, viscosity, pH and organoleptic properties of yoghurt. The organoleptic results of yoghurt with the addition of stevia leaf juice at different levels showed different values for each variable. The color, taste and viscosity variables showed significant differences, while the aroma variables did not show significant differences.
Keywords: yoghurt, stevia leaf juice, physicochemistry and organoleptic.