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Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Structure of the Manuscript
- Title. The title should be clear and informative, but doesn't exceed 15 words.
- Author's name and institution origin. Author's name should be accompanied by authors institution origin and email address, without academic degree.
- Abstract contains a brief description about the background of study (maximum 2 sentences), the aims, methods, results and implication. Abstract written in English version, one paragraph with single space (maximum 200 words), without any references or formulas. Abstract contains keywords that reflects the content of the article. Keywords consists of 3-5 words or phrase.
- Intisari is the translation of Abstract.
- Introduction. This section explains: (i) the general background of the study (concise), (ii) a review on the results of previous researches that relevant and up-to-date, (iii) novelty statements (gap analysis) that contains the urgency and novelty of the study, and (iv) then aims of the study. If there is a hypothesis, declared explicitly and not in interrogative sentence. Introduction should be written without numbers and /or pointers.
- Methods of the study. This section contains of the plan of the study with covers: population/sample of the study, data and techniques/instrument of data collections, analysis tools and the models used. Commonly methods no needs to written in detail, but simply refer to reference book (Example: test formula F, test t). Symbol description on models written in sentence.
- Result and Discussion. This section contains the results of data analysis (in tables or images, not in a raw data, and not a printscreen of analysis result), the connection between the result of research and basic concepts, and/or hypothesis (if there are), and conformity or contradiction with the results of previous researches. This section can contains implication from the research both theoretically and appropriately. Every images and tables should be referred in text.
- Conclusion. Conclusion written briefly, only answer the aims or hypothesis of the research, doesn't repeat the discussion. Conclusion written critically, logically and honestly based on facts, and full of cautions if there is a generalization. This section written in paragraph, doesn't use numbering or bullets.
- Thanks remark (if needed). This section provided for the author to deliver their thanks remark to the research funder, facilities, or the suggestion; and for the statements if the article is part of thesis/dissertation.
- Bibliography. This section written journal list, books, or the other publications that referred in published manuscript in the last 10 years (80%). Minimum amount of the bibliography is 10 sources.
Manuscript Writing Format
- Manuscript written on quarto-size paper, one column, and space format 1,5, a new paragraph started 6 character from the left side, book antiqua font 12.
- Manuscript written in standard Indonesian language according to enhanced spelling or in English language.
- Number of pages between 15-20 with top and left margin 3 cm, while right and bottom margin is 2,5 cm.
- Title written with capital letters in every initial word (except for the first word) font size 14, centered text positions. Subtitles written with capital letters font size 12. If there are sub-subtitle, written with capital letters only in every initial words except for conjunctions. If there are sub from sub-subtitle, written with capital letters only in every initial words except conjunctions, all in italic. Subtitle, sub-subtitle and sub from sub-subtitle written from the left edge.
- References or citations written with American Psychological Association 6th Edition. This is the example of citations that according to example of the bibliography below: Rosmala, A., Tino, & M., Anne, N. (2018). Pengaruh Aplikasi Kompos Campuran Sampah Organik dengan Berbagai Kotoran Ternak terhadap Kualitas Wortel (Daucus carrota L.) Kultival Lokal Cipanas. HEXAGRO, 2(2), 12-18.
- Images or Tables made as close as possible with the review or discussion and numbered sequentially in accordance with the references in the manuscript. If necessary, include the data sources used. Note: images should be clear and fix (not broken).
- Table consists of table title and content. Table line only on the top and bottom line, along the separator between the title and table content.
- HEXAGRO bibliography writing is following the American Psychological Association 6th Edition. Bibliography writing (and citations) are recommended to use Mendeley application.
- For details, authors can use Manuscript Template which is appropriate with the systematic and HEXAGRO's manuscript writing format