Sinta 5
Manuscripts Structure
Manuscripts in general should be organized in the following order: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (optional) and References. These major headings should be typed in bold-capital letters and set in the center of the page.
Title of paper consists of no more than 20 words. Abbreviations are not permitted in the title. Title is followed by the name of the authors and complete institution address. When a paper has several authors from the different institution, contact author should be given. A running head (an abbreviated title consisting of no more than 55 characters) should also be appeared above the title.
Abstracts contain clear statement of introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. The abstract consists of no more than 250 words.
Introduction describes a brief background of the research, novelty, state of the arts, and objective(s). It should be written efficiently and supported by references.
The section of materials and methods should include a discussion of the methods of statistical analysis, and specify equipment source. All modifications of the methods should be explained. Materials and equipment are described on behalf of the manufacturer, chemical name and trade name. References used should be.
Results and discussion sections may be combined, or they may appear in separate section. In case of being separated, the Results section should contain only the results of the current author study. Literature comparisons should appear in the Discussion section. Discussion of research results is scientifically and rationally explained with the support of relevant literature and scientific references.
The conclusions of the research results are stated briefly, solidly and clearly. Conclusion should be written a maximum of 100 words.
All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references in chronological order. Use the following system for arranging the references:
Wijayanti, D., E.T.Setiatin, and E. Kurnianto. 2017. Study on postpartum estrus of guinea pigs (Cavia cobaya) using Anredera cordifolia leaf extract. Vet.Word. 10:375-379.
Hanum, A.S., E. Prihastanti, and Jumari. 2017. Ethnobotany of utilization, role, and philosopical meaning of parijoto (Medinilla, spp) on Mount Muria in Kudus Regency, Central Java. The 4th International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Science (4th ICRIEMS) AIP Conf. Proc, Yogyakarta, May 14-16, 2017. P.
Rao, S. 1997. Genetic Analysis of Sheep Discrete Reproductive Traits Using Simulation and Field Data. PhD Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Noakes, D.E., T. J. Parkinson and G. C. W. England. 2016. Reproduksi dan Obstetri Veteriner. Edisi Kesembilan.
On tables, no vertical line is used and each term should begin with a capital letter. Any important explanation to the understanding of the tables should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the table. All tables should be explained in the text. An example of constructing table:
Figures should be drawn on white papers and lines should be less than 1 mm wide. The left vertical and bottom horizontal lines is used. All the figures should be numbered in consecutive order. Legends should be made outside of figure.
In the body of the paper, refer to author as follows: Smith and Jones (2005). If the sentence structure requires the author name be include in parentheses, then the proper format (Smith and Jones, 2005; McDonald, 2007) is used. Use following the first author when there are more than two authors but give all authors in the references. More than one article listed in the same sentence of the text should be in chronological order first and alphabetical order
for two publications in the same year. Citation from internet is acceptable for references having Digital Object Identifier (d.o.i).
Authors are advised to pay attention to check the proof sheet. Proof must be sent back to the Editorial Office within 1 week of receipt. If this period is exceeded, proofs will be recheck by the Editorial Office without the author correction.
Authors are required to transfer copyright to Editorial Office. A form of copyright is sent to the corresponding author when article is accepted and article is not published until the complete form has been received by the Editorial Office via fax or email.
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