Pengaruh Strain Terhadap Feed Conversion Ratio dan Keuntungan Usaha Ayam Broiler
The objective of the study was to assess different strains on Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and profitability of broiler chicken business. The research was conducted at the farm of PT Berkat Unggas Sehat Sejahtera, Sukabumi. The method used was historical survey which examined production records according to the variables studied. The variables observed were chicken strain, FCR and business profit. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test. Broiler strains, Cobb and Ross, were reared in close house cages. The population of each strain was 12,000 birds and reared for 28 days. The results of the study were the average FCR of Ross strain 0.93 while Cobb strain 1.04. The profit generated from the Ross strain was Rp. 12,136,043.00 while the Cobb strain suffered a loss of Rp. 17,140,895.00. The results of analysis showed that the strain affects the FCR and profit of broiler chickens. The conclusion of this study is that the Ross strain provides better FCR and profit values compared to the Cobb strain.