Analisis Pendapatan dan Efisiensi Ekonomi Pada Dua Kelompok Tani Ternak Itik (KTTI) di Kabupaten Brebes
The aims of this study were: 1) to determine the magnitude of income and economic efficiency as well as the differences between the duck farming business at KTTI Maju Jaya and KTTI Sumber Pangan, 2) to determine the magnitude of the effect of livestock productivity, working hours, feed costs and cage density at the Duck Farmer Group. Maju Jaya and Food Sources. The target of the research was the duck breeders at KTTI Maju Jaya as many as 27 people and at KTTI Sumber Pangan as many as 14 people. The research is located in Limbangan Wetan Village and Gandasuli Village, Brebes District, Brebes Regency. The research was conducted using a survey method, namely conducting interviews using a structured list of questions to the respondents. The results showed that the average income and economic efficiency at KTTI Maju Jaya was Rp. 49,682.04/head/year and 1.39, while in the Food Sources KTTI it is Rp. 39.820.46/head/year and 1.28. There is no difference in income and economic efficiency in the two KTTIs and multiple regression analysis shows that productivity and feed costs determine the magnitude of economic efficiency in the KTTI Maju Jaya and KTTI Sumber Pangan, both individually and as a whole. The working hours, the density of the cages and the maintenance system do not determine the amount of economic efficiency at the KTTI Maju Jaya and KTTI Sumber Pangan, both individually and as a whole.
Keywords: duck, KTTI, income, economic efficiency