New Zealand White Rabbit Morphometry Differences At Different Gender and Height at Different Place


  • Nur Wakhid Salamudin Diponegoro University
  • Edy Kurnianto Diponegoro University
  • Sutopo Sutopo Diponegoro University
  • Asep Setiaji Diponegoro University



The objective of study was to analysis morphomtrical diversity of New Zealand White rabbits based on se and height of placeThe material used in the study was a 200rabbits with age of more months. This research was conducted in locations with different heights, namely at low altitudes in the Pleret Bantul area of Yogyakarta with an altitude of 0-250  meters above sea level, on medium plains in magelang, Kendal and Semarang regencies with an altitude of 250-750 meters above sea level  and at high altitudes located in temanggung area with an altitude of more than 750 meters above sea level. The parameters used were head length, head width, ear length, ear width, chest circumference, inside chest, chest width, femur bone length, ulna-radius length, tibia bone length, and body length. Data was analyzed by two wayand Tukey mean test Classificaion design.The resuls showed that there was a significant difference in body size (P<0.05) between males and females, namely in the width of the head, ear length, ear width, ulna radius length, and scapula bone length. There is a difference (P<0.05) in the size of the rabbit's body in the lowlands, medium land, and highlands, tose were in the width of the head, ear width, chest circumference, chest width, display ulna radius, scapula bone length, and hip-width while in variable head length, femur bone length, tibia bone length, and body length do not show a noticeable difference. The conclusion of this study wassignificant difference in body sizes between sees and height place.

Keyword : New Zealand White, rabit, morphometric diversity


