Author Guidelines
Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English in the following order:
Write a title in Indonesian that reflects the work and research results (maximum 15 words, center, bold, 12pt)
Name of Author
First Author1*, Second Author2, Third Author3 (12pt)
1First Author Institution, e.g. Department, Faculty, University (12pt)
2Second Author Institution, e.g. Department, Faculty, University (12pt)
*Email: enter an email address, it could be the corresponding author, not the first author (12 pt)
Write an abstract in Indonesian which is a summary of the article. The abstract is made up of one paragraph and consists of a maximum of 250 words. The abstract must contain the background, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions, but there is no need to make these words explicit. Abstract should not contain tables/images, does not need to include citations. Avoid abbreviations to a minimum.
Keywords consist of three to six keywords
Manuscript is written in Indonesian with Times New Roman font, 2 (two) columns, density 1.5 spacing, on A4 paper. Authors are asked to send in the form of a typed file using the MS-Word program and submitted via OJS at the address:
The number of paragraphs is not limited but must include background, research objectives, research position in relation to previous research and the novelty of the research/novelty. A little theoretical foundation that is directly related to the content of the article can be included. There is no need to make sub-headings (sub-chapters) in the introduction.
Research Methods (Materials and Methods)
The research method consists of 2 sub-chapters, namely tools and materials and the course of the research. If the data analysis is specific, or the method of analysis is new, then the Data Analysis sub-chapter can be added. Sub chapters are written without numbering or bullets.
Tools and materials
Include major tools or special tools used in the research along with their brands, types and specifications. Tools that are commonly used in laboratory experiments such as glassware, napkins, scalpels, etc., do not need to be listed. Specific/special tools, for example self-designed tools, or results of modifications to standard tools must include their schematics/drawings/photos. Grades and specifications for materials, brands, and suppliers for each material must be listed. The sex, strain, age, and average body weight and SD of the test animals should be reported in this section. If the simplicia is obtained by self-collection from living plants, as much as possible, include the age of the plant/fruit/leaf position, month of collection, and time of collection. If from a purchase, the source of the purchase must be stated.
Research Path
This section contains the course of research that is specifically used in research. A simple workflow does not need to create a schematic. The general way of working does not need to be explained in detail. Long research steps can be made in the sub-chapters of the research stages by numbering Arabic numerals.
1. Step I research
Explain the research steps briefly but clearly so as to allow other studies to do it again with the same results
2. Step II research and so on
Data analysis
The new data analysis method must be explained in detail along with its formulas (equations). If the manuscript contains more than 3 equations, it must be given an equation number.
Results and Discussion
The results and discussion contain three things, namely (1) description and (2) interpretation (explanation/explanation) of research results and (3) discussion (comparison) of our results with the results of previous studies. If the results and discussion sub-chapters are very long, sub-chapters can be made with Arabic numeral numbering. The description of the results can be in the form of tables and figures with sequential numbers (Tables using Arabic numerals, Figures using Arabic numerals) according to their location in the manuscript.
Conclusions answer the research objectives and are delivered in clear and concise language.
Bibliography is prioritized for the last 10 years for journals (minimum 80% of a minimum of 10 referenced libraries) and 20% for books. Not allowed from Thesis, Thesis or Dissertation. The bibliography is written according to the APA (American Psychological Association) system. The bibliography is the most recent reference.
Abdel-Hameed, E. S., Bazaid, S. A., Shohayeb, M. M., El-sayed, M. M., & El-wakil, E. A. (2012). Phytochemical Studies and Evaluation of Antioxidant , Anticancer and Antimicrobial Properties of Conocarpus erectus L . Growing in Taif, Saudi Arabia. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2(2), 93–112.
Abroshan, H., Akbarzadeh, H., & Parsafar, G. A. (2010). Molecular dynamics simulation and MM-PBSA calculations of sickle cell hemoglobin in dimer form with Val, Trp, or Phe at the lateral contact. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 23(9), 866–877., Saravana., Harsha., Peer, Mohamad., Williams. 2011. Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents of Artocarpus heterophyllus and Manilkara Zapota Seeds and Its Reduction Potential. Int J of Pharm and Pharm Sci. 3 (5) : Hal 256,260.
Clayden, Greeves, Warren, & Wothers. (2001). Organic Chemistry. Oxford University Press.
Harkness, Richard. 1989. Interaksi Obat. Penerjemah, Agoes adan Widianto. Bandung : Penerbit ITB.
Kuncari, E.S. et al., 2014. Evaluasi, Uji Stabilitas Fisik dan Sineresis Sediaan Gel yang Mengandung Minoksidil, Apigenin dan Perasan Herba Seledri (Apium graveolens L.). Tersedia : [Diakses pada Tanggal 30 November 2017].
Mysinger, M. M., Carchia, M., Irwin, J. J., & Shoichet, B. K. (2012). Directory of useful decoys, enhanced (DUD-E): Better ligands and decoys for better benchmarking. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 55(14), 6582–6594.
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya
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