Literature Survey and International Events with Chronology Revisited!
Agriculture contributes to and is a cause of climate change, but it is also a component of the solution. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and aid in the storage of carbon, agricultural practices must be modified. Ecosystems that are controlled by agriculture are also vital socio-economic issue for humanbeing. It is crucial to consider human response in order to appreciate and quantify the effects of climate change on agriculture and food supply in this regard. All in all, Agricultural systems are dynamic, and producers and consumers must constantly adapt to changes in crop and livestock yields, food prices, input costs, resource availability, and technological innovation. Within this perspective, research on the physical and financial impacts of climate change on agriculture around the world has been included in this survey study with as possible as chronological order of international reconciliation.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mehmet Gokhan Ozdemir

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