Orange is one of the horticultural commodities that gets priority and is developed because farming provides high profits so that it can be used as a source of income. Tangerines are important to develop, especially at the Oelbubuk Horticulture Seed Center because tangerines are a superior commodity that has a source of vitamin C and minerals as well as raw materials for making juice. This commodity has long been cultivated by the Oelbubuk Horticulture Seed Center in 2015 until now. The production of tangerines in 2019 was 5 tons, in 2020 it decreased with a production of 3 tons and increased in 2021 with a production of 10 tons. The factor causing the decline in production output in 2020 was due to the covid-19 outbreak (BPS Kabupaten TTS). The purpose of this study aims to determine the strategy for developing a tangerine agribusiness in Oelbubuk Village, South Central Timor District. Data collection was carried out using primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained from interviews, documentation, questionnaires, and surveys. While secondary data, researchers obtained from various references such as journals, theses, books, and the Central Bureau of Statistics. The population of this study were 22 people. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling where the data source is taken with certain considerations. The number of samples in this study were 22 people. Data analysis used by researchers is the SWOT matrix and QSPM. The results of the research based on the SWOT Matrix, the researchers obtained 8 strategies for developing tangerine plants. Meanwhile, through the QSPM Matrix used to determine alternative strategies, 4 priority strategies for tangerine agribusiness were obtained. 4 priority strategies are obtained from a score of 1-4 namely; 1) using superior seeds that are owned and the experience of farmers to increase production by taking advantage of market demand and support from the government, 2) taking advantage of the experience they have to minimize competitors for the same business, 3) utilizing types of plants that have been specified and expanding production areas to increase trust customers, 4) utilize the land area owned to increase the production of tangerines so as to minimize the selling price in the market.
Keywords: Strategy, Agribusiness, SWOT, QSPM
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Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Novita E. Nahak

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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