Village development has an important role in national development projects. Village development is mainly in the context of increasing the welfare of rural communities in the long term and increasing efficiency in the utilization of economic resources through various fields of activity. One of the developments carried out in the village is agricultural development. The research was conducted to analyze the needs of the village community, especially in Bolon Village, to develop appropriate agricultural development strategies. This research uses a descriptive method with an exploratory research approach. The results of this study indicate that the Farmer Group Association in Bolon Village, named Farmer Group Association Masidikarya, has several problems. These problems are Farmer Group Association Masidikarya which is passive; farmers have not been able to use agricultural equipment technology provided by the government, and the raw materials for superior karak products cannot be fulfilled by Bolon Village because agricultural productivity is still low. So, the agricultural model that can be applied in Bolon a Village is the induced innovation model. The model is built by linking natural and human resources, technology, and institutions where these four things are interconnected and support each other. The solutions that Bolon Village can implement include encouraging the activity of farmer groups, actively involving the role of the Regional Government and its staff, involving agricultural extension workers, and using appropriate technology by paying attention to various aspects of the village.
Keywords: Village, Farmer Group Association, Agricultural Development
How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2023 Ernoiz Antriyandarti, Ade Candra Puspita, Amalia Febriyani, Azmi Fabila Anggita S, Maheswari Candraningtyas, Anggityas Werdining Pangesti, Desta Prasanthi Aggraini

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