Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

We are pleased to consider your submission for publication in JITSi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil. Please follow the instructions below to ensure that your manuscript adheres to our formatting and submission requirements.

1. Manuscript Submission

  • Online Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through our online submission system at
  • File Formats: Submissions should be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format. PDF submissions are not accepted unless requested for specific types of articles.
  • Cover Letter: A cover letter should be included with your submission, explaining why the manuscript is a good fit for the journal and its contribution to the field.

2. Manuscript Structure

Your manuscript should be structured as follows:

  1. Title Page:

    • Title of the article (concise and descriptive).
    • Names and affiliations of all authors.
    • Corresponding author’s contact details (email, phone number).
  2. Abstract:

    • A brief summary of the article (150-250 words) without references. It should clearly state the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  3. Keywords:

    • Provide 4-6 keywords that best describe the content of your article.
  4. Main Body:

    • Introduction: Outline the problem, provide background information, and state the research objectives.
    • Methodology: Describe the methods used in your research clearly and in sufficient detail.
    • Results and Discussion: Present your findings with clarity and relevant data. Include tables, figures, and charts where appropriate. Interpret the results, discuss their implications, and compare with existing literature.
    • Conclusion: Summarize key findings and suggest future research directions or applications.
    • Acknowledgements (optional): The acknowledgements are addressed to the funding sources or those who contributed to the writing of the article.
  5. References:

    • Use the [citation style, e.g., APA, IEEE] for references. Ensure that all references are cited in the text and that all citations appear in the reference list.
    • Include only relevant and up-to-date references.
  6. Figures and Tables:

    • All figures and tables should be numbered consecutively (e.g., Figure 1, Table 1).
    • Each figure and table should have a title and should be referred to in the main body of the text.
    • High-quality images should be provided (resolution of at least 300 dpi for images).

3. Manuscript Length

  • Original Research Articles: The page limit is 8-15 pages, including figures, tables, and references.
  • Review Articles: Should not exceed 10,000 words.
  • Technical Notes or Short Communications: Should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words.

4. Ethics and Plagiarism

  • Authors must ensure that their work is free from plagiarism and properly cites all sources of information.
  • Any conflicts of interest should be disclosed in the cover letter.
  • Research involving human participants or animals must adhere to ethical standards and require appropriate approvals (e.g., Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval).

5. Peer Review Process

  • All manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process.
  • Authors will be informed of the reviewer's decision, and revisions may be requested before final acceptance.

6. Copyright and Licensing

  • Authors retain copyright over their articles, but by submitting to JITSi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, they grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish and distribute the article.
  • Authors will be required to sign a copyright transfer or licensing agreement upon acceptance of their manuscript.

7. Publication Fees

  • Free publication.

8. Revisions and Resubmission

  • Authors may be required to revise and resubmit their manuscripts based on reviewers' feedback.
  • Revised manuscripts should be submitted within two weeks, with a summary of changes made.

9. Language and Style

  • Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise in Bahasa or English. If you need assistance with language editing, consider using a professional language editing service before submission.

10. Contact Information

For any questions or assistance regarding your submission, please contact us at or 085624522817