The Effect Of Parity On Body Weight In Relation To Body Condition Score Of Sakub Sheep
This study aims to determine the effect of parity on the body weight of the mother in relation to the body condition score of Sakub sheep. The research method used was direct interview method and survey method by purposive sampling, body condition score which was assessed directly through touching twice on the spionusus part of the process carried out in the morning after being given feed with the condition of livestock not pregnant. Data were processed using unequal t-test and regression analysis using dummy variables. The results of the statistical analysis of the t test showed that between parities were not significantly different (P>0.05) to the body weight of the mother, meaning that the body weight of sheep in parity 2 and parity 3 was the same. The results of regression analysis simultaneously, the mother's body weight together with parity had a very real effect (P <0.01). Partial regression analysis of each mother's body weight and parity showed a very significant effect (P <0.01) on the body condition score of Sakub sheep with a correlation coefficient of 0.86, meaning there is a very strong relationship. Body condition score in Sakub sheep is influenced by mother's body weight and parity by 75% and the rest is influenced by other factors not studied. In addition, the mother's body weight is directly proportional to the body condition score, but body condition score is inversely related to parity.