The effect of initial body weight on daily gain and feed efficiency of fattening local lambs
Research on the Effect of Initial Weight on Daily Weight Gain, Feed Consumption and Feed Efficiency of Local Fattening Sheep was carried out from March to June 2023 at Santika Farm located in Cilembu Village, Sumedang Regency. The aim of this research is to determine whether there is a correlation between initial body weight and daily body weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency, and to determine the optimal average range of body weight that produces the best daily body weight gain and feed efficiency. The research method used was an experimental approach based on a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments and six replications. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (Anova) followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test to determine the real difference in daily body weight gain, while feed efficiency did not show a real difference so no further testing was carried out. The average daily weight gain at an initial body weight of 27-30 kilograms (P3) is 157 grams, 23-26 kilograms (P2) is 133 grams, and 18-22 kilograms is 130 grams. Feed DM consumption for sheep with an initial weight of 18-22 kilograms (P1), 23-26 kilograms (P2) and 27-30 kilograms (P3) is 5.51, 6.48, 7.13 DM/kilogram/day. Feed efficiency at an initial weight of 18-22 kilograms (P1) was 15.3%, 27-30 kilograms (P3) was 13.2%, and 23-26 kilograms (P3) was 12.1%. The conclusion of this study is that an initial body weight of 27-30 kilograms has the best daily gain.