Pengaruh Penambahan Bubuk Daun Salam (Syzygium polyanthum) dengan Persentase yang Berbeda terhadap Persentase Produk, Warna, dan Total Asam Laktat Keju Susu Rendah Lemak
This research aims to determine the treatment given on the manufacture of low-fat milk cheese added with bay leaf powder with different percentages on yield, color, and total lactic acid. The materials used were 20 liters of commercial low-fat milk, 100 g of bay leaf powder, 1 g of mesophilic bacteria, 20 ml of liquid rennet, 400 g of skim milk, 4 g of CaCl2, 200 ml of distilled water, 1 liter of NaOH solution, 50 ml of phenolphthalein color indicator. The obtained research were analyzed by completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications with an orthogonal polynomial. The treatments included P0: without the addition of bay leaf powder, P1: 0.25% of bay leaf powder, P2: 0.50% of bay leaf powder, P3: 0.75% of bay leaf powder, and P4: 1% of bay leaf powder. The results showed there was a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on the color indicator L* (+light, -dark), significant effect on a*(+red, -green), and highly significant on whiteness index which was further tested with orthogonal polynomials having a descending parabolic quadratic line while the yield, color indicator b*, and total lactic acid had no effect (P>0.05) the addition of bay leaf powder. Total value of average yield 13.57 ± 1.87; color L* 42.47 ± 8.03; a* 3.78 ± 2.09; b* 22.66 ± 1.48; whiteness index 37.91 ± 7.24; and total lactic acid 2.75 ± 0.55. The addition of bay leaf powder with different percentages can change the color of the cheese to darker and dark green.